bits, Clown, Events, improv, Shows, Theaters & Spaces

The Improv Life: My 80th Show of The Year


The Improv Life: My 80th Show of  2023

I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks since my 80th show of the year!

And here’s what made it so special – it was the 8th Duo It Again on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year!

What do you call that?

I call that synchronicity!

Synchronicity is a crazy concept that even I can’t explain succinctly, but it’s the idea of random coincidences having a deeper causality to them, as if being propelled by a larger unknown force.

What is that force? Destiny maybe? I don’t know. But I do know all these coincidences lining up into a crescendo of 8s serve as a cosmic validation that I’m on the right path.

These past 14 months have been rough, but this beautiful thing called Duo It Again came into my life, and it’s saved me in more ways than I realize, especially the part of creating art and facilitating community with Kristen Gull as FernGully.

Sometimes we get redirected onto the path we’re supposed to be on; we just don’t know it at the time because rapid change feels like punishment, but it’s really funneling you where you’re supposed to be.

This show has been a gift to my life, and I’m so grateful for all the abundance it has brought to my life in my form of new memories, artistic insights, and a burgeoning community that is down to take risks and have fun.

I don’t know? Do what calls you. Experiment. Learn from losses and document wins. The journey is endless. Have fun and keep learning. Enjoy the moment, but don’t cling onto it too tightly. Just breathe and be grateful.

#duoitagain #duoprov #duplex #2prov #improv #lyrichyperion #losangeles

Show 80 of 2023

Events, Shows, Theaters & Spaces

The Wildest Improv Duos Show is Back!

Art work by Melissa Funes

Duo It Again is Coming Back to The Lyric Hyperion on Sunday, February 19th!

Happy to announce the return of Duo It Again!

And I’m going to need duos!

Last time was a bonkers experience that resulted in one of the wildest, most inventive, most soul invigorating nights of improv I have ever participated in and been witness to!

The show’s premise: 20+ duos improvise the same scene over and over again with every scene being unique and different from the previous one and the one right after.

I’m hosting it again with my FernGully tag team partner, Kristen Gull, on Sunday, February 19th at 9pm at The Lyric Hyperion.

But I need your help – I need as many duos as I can muster for this grand improv experiment!

So if you want to take part in Duo It Again, please comment below or DM me. I’m taking duos as well as solo riders. If you’re a solo rider, I’ll pair you up with another solo rider. I want to book this show ASAP, so please let me know if you want to do this show!

#improv #improvduos #duoitagain #lyrichyperion #theglendaleroom


Really Proud of the Latinx Comedy Pachanga’s Work in 2022 So Far!

Look at all these beautiful Latinx comics!

We’re Crushing It!

Really proud of all the work the Latinx Comedy Pachanga has done this year so far!

Here’s what we’ve done so far:

1). Launched a live version of our Latinx panel show, Cuñados, Cuñadas, y Carnales – we spent a year developing this show on Twitch, so it was great to do it live at the Pack Theater

2). Completed a run of Ka-Blahm-O! shows at Catsby – this show found its voice by becoming a stand-up/solo showcase with just a bit of clown energy and pro wrestling spirit in its veins

3). Had our first Potluck of the year at the Glendale Room, and had a really great “You should’ve been there” time – this variety hour is our longest running show, so I’m glad we put it up

4). Met new and amazing Latinx comics who blew my mind with their talents, POVs, and energies – LA is bursting with so many funny Latinx comics!

5). Was reminded of the amazing talents in the Pachanga ensemble – people have stepped up as producers, performers, writers, and ambassadors, and I’m all for it! I can’t wait to see more of it!

6). We did shows at The Clubhouse, Pack Theater, The Glendale Room, and Thymele Arts*

*To my tocaya, I consider our Fernandx sets mini Pachanga shows!

7). We featured a bunch of Latinx comics from the huge umbrella that is Latinx, and we all supported and lifted each other up!

8). I want to repeat the last point: we showcased a bunch of Latinx talent – The Pachanga will always be about putting up Latinx voices front and center.

As long we keep doing that – and providing as many opportunities for Latinx artists as possible – we’re going to be amazing.

Thank you to all the artists who shared their talents with the Pachanga so far this year, and I’m grateful for your talents and contributions.

And thank you to the venues and audiences who made all this possible!

It’s true: if you build it, they will come.

We got more shows coming up, so stay tuned!

Also, props to Melissa Funes for all the artwork, promotion, social media, and just general amazing help!

#latinxcomedy #latinxcomedypachanga #writer #performer #producer #director #LA #community #packtheater #clubhouse #theglendaleroom #thymelearts


Our 1st Ever Cuñados, Cuñadas, y Carnales at the Pack Theater Was a Success!

Fernando, Andy Lomeli, Diosa, Jackie Gonzalez-Durruthy, Juanito Velasco, Joe Felix

We Did It!

Our 1st Ever Cuñados, Cuñadas, y Carnales at the Pack Theater was a success!

Thank you to all of our amazing Latinx comedians for doing the show: Diosa, Jackie Gonzalez-Durruthy, Kiki Anderson, and Juanito Velasco – y’all are hilarious!

And I’m super proud of Andy Lomeli and Joe Felix for finally getting their chance to put up a live version of this Latinx panel show we developed on Twitch over the pandemic.

Believe it or not, we’ve been developing this show online for the better part of a year. All that work paid off last night when we had a super fun show with minimal hiccups.

We’re coming back to the Pack on Sunday, April 27 at 10pm for our next Cuñados, Cuñadas, y Carnales at the Pack Theater! So join us then!

#latinxcomedypachanga #packtheater
#panelshow #latinxcomedy #writer


What I Learned From Last Ka-Blahm-O! Comics (For Now)

Frankie, Ammy, Diosa, Mario, and Fernando

Well, we did it!

We had a super fun last Ka-Blahm-O! Comics and ended our run as part of Catsby!

As for last night, we had a wonky start, but then the show found its footing, and then it was smooth sailing from there.

I’m convinced to keep this show going because I’ve seen the importance of a Latinx solo showcase.


1. Ammy Ontiveros is blossoming into a really fun stand-up! I can’t wait to buy your album!

2. Mario Barra is a sharp and witty standup in Spanish and English!

3. Diosa is a powerhouse performer. She was born to be on the stage.

4. We found our sweet spot: Latinx Comedy for a Latinx Audience.

5. Reading my poetry out loud is a super empowering experience

6. I’m grateful to the Latinx Comedy Pachanga for making this show possible.

7. I’m the luckiest guy in the world because I have Frankie Estrella as a best friend – you are the wind beneath my wings.

This show is coming back – stay tuned for when!


Thank you to Chad Damiani for being a mentor and a leader, and for giving me the space to develop this show.

Thank you to the Catsby Community for supporting this super niche show.

Thank you to Joshua Birnbaum for teching every show.

And huge thanks to all the amazing Latinx performers and audience who supported – I’m super grateful for your time and contributions and care.

Catsby has an ongoing, free physical comedy workshop on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month from 6pm to 7:20pm at the Clubhouse.

Email to get on the student list and learn from LA’s best clowns  – don’t miss out on this amazing training!

The Latinx Comedy Pachanga has more shows this coming year, so keep your eye out for them!

Invest in yourself and your growth will be phenomenal.

#latinxcomedypachanga #catsby #kablahmo #clown #latinxcomedy #standup #showrunner #producer #LA
