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The Improv Life: My 80th Show of The Year


The Improv Life: My 80th Show of  2023

I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks since my 80th show of the year!

And here’s what made it so special – it was the 8th Duo It Again on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year!

What do you call that?

I call that synchronicity!

Synchronicity is a crazy concept that even I can’t explain succinctly, but it’s the idea of random coincidences having a deeper causality to them, as if being propelled by a larger unknown force.

What is that force? Destiny maybe? I don’t know. But I do know all these coincidences lining up into a crescendo of 8s serve as a cosmic validation that I’m on the right path.

These past 14 months have been rough, but this beautiful thing called Duo It Again came into my life, and it’s saved me in more ways than I realize, especially the part of creating art and facilitating community with Kristen Gull as FernGully.

Sometimes we get redirected onto the path we’re supposed to be on; we just don’t know it at the time because rapid change feels like punishment, but it’s really funneling you where you’re supposed to be.

This show has been a gift to my life, and I’m so grateful for all the abundance it has brought to my life in my form of new memories, artistic insights, and a burgeoning community that is down to take risks and have fun.

I don’t know? Do what calls you. Experiment. Learn from losses and document wins. The journey is endless. Have fun and keep learning. Enjoy the moment, but don’t cling onto it too tightly. Just breathe and be grateful.

#duoitagain #duoprov #duplex #2prov #improv #lyrichyperion #losangeles

Show 80 of 2023
